Ing. Michal Šťastný |  ATO Director | hangar 519,  503 41 Hradec Králové | Mobile: +420 723 479 138  | E-mail:

Bc. Jan Novák | ATO Assistant | hangar 519, 503 41 Hradec Králové | Phone: +420 491 614 817 | Mobile: +420 737 029 137 | E-mail:

EASA Part 147

We will teach you how to fly … in anything ... from a glider to a Boeing or helicopter

You will leave behind your children’s props and enter our ultramodern training instruments. Where you once spread your arms to copy wing movements, you will realize, under the guidance of air experts, truly what it means to fly. It is a passion, pleasure, way of life, hobby, profession, a dream come true, a way to broaden your horizons and a huge adrenaline. An adventure into new frontiers. Every pilot looks at the starting of his aircraft’s engines with a peculiar enchantment.

We fly to find that “something” that always seems just out of reach. That is why we take chances, set out higher and higher before descending safely again to enjoy the view of the world which only we can discover. We believe that true heroes are those who follow their dreams, and flying is the most powerful superpower; at least for we pilots - hobby and professional.

We are one of the biggest schools in the EU and teach each those interested in learning how to fly an airplane or a helicopter safely. Whether your ambitions head towards the cockpit of an airliner or you are attracted to sport flying and flying for fun.

Do it! Fly with us!