Ing. Michal Šťastný |  ATO Director | hangar 519,  503 41 Hradec Králové | Mobile: +420 723 479 138  | E-mail:

Bc. Jan Novák | ATO Assistant | hangar 519, 503 41 Hradec Králové | Phone: +420 491 614 817 | Mobile: +420 737 029 137 | E-mail:

EASA Part 147

This simulator can be configured to simulate flight in the Cessna 172RG, Piper 34 Seneca and Beech Super King Air 200 airplanes. It offers a wide range of uses, from training in radio navigation within PPL, through training of instrument flight in multi-engine airplanes, all the way to courses in multi-crew coordination MCC at the end of professional pilot training. Besides other things, it is well usable for additional training, refresh flights and skill tests. The simulator has been equipped with avionics Garmin GTN750 since 2017 which enables training of RNP approach down to LPV minima.