Ing. Tomáš Parýzek | Maintenance Hradec Králové | hangar 519,  503 41 Hradec Králové  | Phone: +420 605 219 172 | Email:

Ing. Lukáš Vašátko | Maintenance Praha-Kbely | Mladoboleslavská 1085,  197 00 Praha 9-Kbely | Mobile: +420 602 668 908 | Email:

We follow the same standards as the air giants

  • we meet the requirements of Community Regulations (EC) No.1321/2014, PART 145
  • we are a maintenance Approval Certificate holder, No. CZ.145.0003
  • we have on-line access to Airbus Helicopter warehouses
  • we provide airworthiness management services (CAMO)
  • we carry out the complete renewal of all types of airplanes, including interior modifications 


We carry out the complete service of the following types of helicopters:

  • Airbus Helicopter EC 120, EC 135
  • Airbus Helicopter AS 350, AS 355
  • Schweizer 269/300
  • Enstrom F28-280, Enstrom 480